1 +++ 2 title = 'Addressing modes' 3 +++ 4 # Addressing modes 5 addressing modes: ways of specifying locations of instruction operands 6 7 Summary of RISC-type addressing modes: 8 9  10 11 ## Modes 12 Provide operand/address explicitly: 13 14 - Register — operand is contents of processor register, name of register is given in instruction 15 - Absolute — operand is in memory location, address of location is given in instruction 16 - Immediate — operand is given explicitly in instruction (use `#`or `$`to indicate that it is an immediate operand) 17 18 Provide information from effective address: 19 20 - Indirect — effective address of operand is in register, register is given in instruction (pointer-type). use parentheses `()` 21 - Index — effective address of operand is generated by adding a constant to contents of register 22 23 when specifying an offset in index, the offset can be either positive or negative. means the number of bytes to move.